
Modern and Contemporary Icons - Auction ends: September 15, 2024 from 3:00 pm

Catalog Online > Modern Art  >  Modern Abstract Art  |  Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky
Holzschnitt für die Ganymed-Mappe, 1924
Current bid:
€ 3,700
€ 4,000
End: 09-15-24 15:22:00 Berlin
09-15-24 09:22:00 New York
09-15-24 06:22:00 Los Angeles (3 days, 09h:35m)

Please enter your maximum bid, it will only be used to the extent necessary to beat the next best bid.
Bid plus 32 % buyer's premium (differential taxation without separate VAT statement, sales tax certificate upon request) and droit de suite charge without VAT.
Self pick-up: free of charge,
insured shipping:
within Germany 62,74 €,
within the EU countries 109,25 €,
outside the EU countries on request.

After entering your maximum bid you will be able to check your entry and you will be provided with further information. Only after a further confirmation your bid will be binding.

Lot description
Holzschnitt für die Ganymed-Mappe. 1924.
Signed. Monogrammed in prinitng block. From an edition of 100 copies. On wove paper (with the watermark). 15 x 19.9 cm (5.9 x 7.8 in). Sheet: 23,8 x 31,5 cm (9,3 x 12,4 in).

Printed by Dr. W. Wolf & Sohn, Munich, and published by Maréesgesellschaft, Munich. Released in the 3rd Ganymed portfolio accompanying the 5th yearbook of the Marées Gesellschaft from autumn 1924. [AW].

PROVENANCE: Lucien Goldschmidt Inc., New York.
Corporate Collection Ahlers AG, Herford (acquired from ther above in 1984).

EXHIBITION: Konstruktive Welten. Anfänge einer neuen Universalsprache, Foundation Ahlers Pro Arte, Herford, September 17 - December 11, 2022, p. 21 (illu.).

LITERATURE: Hans Konrad Roethel, Wassily Kandinsky. Das graphische Werk, Cologne 1970, no. 181.

In good condition. Slightly discolored in the image area and with mount staining in the outer corners. Upper corners with old mounting remains.
Wassily Kandinsky
Holzschnitt für die Ganymed-Mappe, 1924
Current bid:
€ 3,700
€ 4,000
End: 09-15-24 15:22:00 Berlin
09-15-24 09:22:00 New York
09-15-24 06:22:00 Los Angeles (3 days, 09h:35m)

Please enter your maximum bid, it will only be used to the extent necessary to beat the next best bid.
Bid plus 32 % buyer's premium (differential taxation without separate VAT statement, sales tax certificate upon request) and droit de suite charge without VAT.
Self pick-up: free of charge,
insured shipping:
within Germany 62,74 €,
within the EU countries 109,25 €,
outside the EU countries on request.

After entering your maximum bid you will be able to check your entry and you will be provided with further information. Only after a further confirmation your bid will be binding.